The signs most associated with an allergic reaction to titanium are those caused by a resulting condition, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). CFS is characterized by sudden and persistent episodes of tiredness, decreased mental abilities, and physical weakness. Since titanium is widely recognized as a biocompatible metal, there are few, if any, allergic symptoms caused by skin contact. Rashes, itching, and other adverse reactions could be due to other metals that are part of a titanium alloy, such as nickel. However, scientists do not rule out the possibility that some people are allergic to titanium, since each person's biochemistry is unique.
People are more likely to develop an allergic reaction to titanium as a result of corrosion of titanium dental and surgical implants. The corroded particles become ionized and bind to proteins in the body, ultimately leading to CFS. A patient suffering from an allergy might wake up one morning feeling inexplicably tired, regardless of how well he or she slept the night before. The fatigue will persist for more than 24 hours and will not subside after periods of rest during the day. The tiredness can last for more than six months and can be constant or recurrent.
Patients can also become easily confused or distracted, and can also become more forgetful. These and other symptoms could worsen the patient's irritability, which is another symptom in itself. Impaired mental abilities are compounded and worsened by severe physical disability, which often prevents patients from carrying out their daily activities. Symptoms are often accompanied by migraines and muscle aches.
Although titanium itself is generally accepted as a metal that does not have harsh effects on the skin, many pieces of titanium jewelry contain trace amounts of other metals that can cause a reaction. Patients with piercings may experience swelling in the affected areas, as well as redness and hives. Symptoms can be mistakenly attributed to the dominant metal, titanium, in these cases. Some experts believe that only 4% of the population suffers from a true allergy to titanium.
In the event that any of these symptoms manifest, patients should immediately undergo allergy testing. The test should determine if titanium or another trace metal is causing the allergic reactions. If the source of the symptoms is a metal implant in the body, the implant should be replaced with one made from materials that have been tested for patient safety. However, preventing an allergic reaction can be difficult, since many common foods and products contain small amounts of the metal.