What are the most common symptoms of peritonitis?

Peritonitis refers to irritation, inflammation, and infection of the inner lining of the abdominal cavity called the peritoneum. It is a potentially serious condition that can cause a number of uncomfortable symptoms. The most common symptoms of peritonitis include chronic abdominal pain, high fever, chills, and nausea. Peritonitis symptoms tend to worsen over time without treatment and can lead to breathing problems, dangerously low blood pressure, and possibly shock. A person experiencing lasting symptoms should visit a doctor as soon as possible to obtain the appropriate antibiotic treatment.

The first symptoms of peritonitis usually include dull aches and tenderness in the abdomen. The pain tends to be worse after physical activity or when suddenly moving from one position to another. The tenderness is relieved in some people by pressing on the stomach, but it soon returns when the abdomen is relaxed. Bloating and bloating are possible, giving the abdomen a distended appearance. Over the course of a few days, the pain, tenderness, and swelling tend to become constant ailments.

Many people with peritonitis also have stomach cramps, frequent bouts of nausea, and vomiting. Loss of appetite and resulting weight loss are common complications of feeling nauseated most of the time. Flu-like symptoms, such as excessive sweating, fever, chills, and trouble sleeping, tend to develop as other symptoms worsen. People may also feel fatigued, and their muscles and joints may start to ache constantly.

Other possible symptoms of peritonitis include problems with urination and bowel movements. A marked decrease in urine output is common, and a person may not be able to urinate even when they have the urge to do so. Passing very little stool and passing gas is a sign that ingested food and waste products are having trouble reaching the small intestine. Inflammation and damage to the gastrointestinal tract may be causing air and fluid to leak into the abdominal cavity, making peritonitis symptoms worse.

It is essential to consult a doctor whenever symptoms persist for more than one or two days. A doctor may ask about symptoms, perform a physical exam, and test blood samples for signs of infection. Imaging tests can reveal peritoneal inflammation and problems with the intestines. Most symptoms can be controlled with anti-inflammatory medications, prescription pain relievers, and a specific diet plan when discovered early. Surgery may be needed in advanced cases of peritonitis to remove bacterial abscesses or repair damaged tissue structures.

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