The humerus is the upper arm bone in humans. It plays a vital role in the movement of the shoulder and elbow. There are many reasons a person may experience humerus pain, including a humerus fracture, an elbow injury, and a dislocated shoulder. The cause of the humerus bone pain will determine how it is treated.
Humerus fractures can occur as a result of falls, osteoporosis, and other injuries. Signs of a fracture in the area include humerus pain, swelling, and bruising. A person who sustains a humerus fracture will need to have their arms in a special cast to prevent nerve injury.
The humerus connects to the elbow, so injuries to the elbow can cause irradiated humerus pain. Elbow tendinitis is common in people who play sports, especially tennis. Once a person is diagnosed with tendonitis, a doctor will require that they take it easy and avoid playing the sport or participating in the activity that caused the problem. A doctor may also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications or require the person to wear a brace. Both of these practices can help reduce elbow pain and humerus pain.
A dislocated shoulder, in which the top of the humerus protrudes from the shoulder blade, can also be responsible for humerus pain. Falls, car accidents, and sports injuries all have the potential to cause a dislocated shoulder. Signs and symptoms of this injury include significant pain in the neck or humerus, bruising, and the shoulder being out of place.
Doctors will treat a dislocated shoulder by moving the bones back into their correct positions. In some cases, a doctor can do this manually while the patient is awake. A muscle relaxant may be given to the patient before the procedure. Severe shoulder dislocations may require surgery under anesthesia. Patients usually wear a sling or splint for a few weeks, but the level of pain felt in the humerus and neck will improve much sooner.
People can prevent humerus injury and pain by always stretching before playing sports or exercising. It's also important for people to know when to quit and not to quit too much when training. Drinking milk or taking calcium supplements can build stronger bones, which can prevent injury to the humerus in the event of an accident.