What are the different types of infection?

Three main types of infection can affect both animals and plants. Bacterial infections are fairly common, occurring when single-celled microorganisms, known as bacteria, invade an organism. Viral infections, like the flu, are caused by viruses and can be somewhat difficult to treat. Yeast infections are caused by fungi, and these usually develop on a person's skin.

A bacterial infection is one of the most common types of infection. However, not all bacteria will cause an infection. In fact, many of the myriad types of bacteria found in the human body are considered good bacteria and are necessary for proper body function. However, if one of these types of bacteria grows out of control, or if humans come into contact with bad bacteria, the result is often a bacterial infection.

Staph and strep are two very common types of bacteria that can cause infection. Skin infections like cellulitis and impetigo are often caused by a staph infection, while strep throat is a good example of a strep infection. Treatment usually requires an antibiotic administered orally or topically. However, bacterial infections are becoming more difficult to treat as many types of bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics.

A viral infection is caused by a virus, which is an organism consisting of a nucleic acid molecule surrounded by a protective protein shield. When a virus invades a body, it takes over a living cell. It causes the cell to make more viruses, which will often lead to this type of infection.

Chicken pox and the flu are caused by viruses, just like HIV and AIDS. Antiviral medications can sometimes be used to treat certain viral infections. However, these are not always effective as they only work on very specific virus strains.

A fungal infection is another of the most common types of infection. This type is caused by a fungus, which is classified as a plant. Fungi can live almost anywhere, including in another living organism. They can also be found in the air, soil, and water.

Fungal infections are some of the most common causes of skin infections. However, fungal infections of the mucous membranes are also quite common. Athlete's foot, ringworm and yeast infections are caused by a fungus. Topical antifungal medications are usually all that is needed to treat a yeast infection.

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