What are the different signs of tongue cancer?

Signs of tongue cancer can include pain, swelling, and discoloration of the tongue. They are sometimes difficult to identify when they involve the base of the tongue, the portion at the back of the mouth, because people do not often inspect this part of the mouth closely. Dentists are most commonly responsible for identifying the signs of tongue cancer, as they are familiar with their patients' mouths and use special tools to look deep into the mouth. Oral cancers can grow rapidly and are often invasive, and the prognosis can be poor for the patient.

People with tongue cancer may notice discolored patches on the tongue, including darker or lighter areas, that do not go away. The tongue may also feel tender and sore; people may feel that something is lodged in the tongue and cannot be removed. Oral bleeding is common, and the area around the cancer may develop numbness or tingling. Also, persistent bad breath can be a warning sign of tongue cancer.

Other signs of tongue cancer involve surrounding areas of the body. The lymph nodes in the neck may become swollen. and discolorations and swelling may also begin to appear along the gums. Patients may have trouble swallowing and may develop difficulty speaking, as the swollen tongue makes it more difficult to enunciate. The teeth and jaw can be displaced, leading to a change in the way the patient bites and weight loss can occur as a result of low-level loss of appetite.

Signs of tongue cancer are often seen early on the front of the tongue because people notice tender areas or discolorations that don't go away. In these cases, they may seek treatment from a doctor after home remedies, such as canker sore treatments, don't seem to work. A doctor may scrape the lesion for biopsy to see what is going on and may make treatment recommendations such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The surgery can be invasive, as parts of the jaw may need to be removed if the cancer is locally aggressive, but the alternative would be to allow the cancer to continue to grow.

People who notice signs of tongue cancer should be evaluated. Whether the problem is benign or another problem, such as a fungal infection, it can be very treatable and the doctor will not mind talking to the patient about it. If it is indeed tongue cancer, prompt treatment can make a significant difference in prognosis. Removing the cancerous growth before it has time to spread to other areas of the body can significantly improve the outlook for the patient.

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