The traditional method of testing blood sugar is to use a meter to test blood drawn from the fingertip. The newer, less painful tests use a small laser to draw blood. Even more modern tests include devices that continuously draw small amounts of fluid from the body using electrical currents. The most exact science remains the fingerstick method, but over time more invasive, continuous, and less painful procedures will likely become the norm for testing blood sugar.
Blood sugar meters are widely available for personal use. Today, personal meters are small, easy-to-use devices that display blood sugar levels on a digital screen. Testing blood sugar with these devices usually requires taking a sterile lancet and pricking a fingertip. The user then applies a drop of blood to a test strip, which is inserted into the blood sugar meter for a reading. There are also meters that will read blood samples from other parts of the body; This is called alternate site testing. Alternative site tests can be performed with the palm or forearm.
Fingertip readings are the most preferred and reliable method, as blood from that area of the body quickly shows any adjustments in blood sugar levels. Blood from the palm and forearm, on the other hand, is often slower to register changes in the body's overall blood sugar levels. As a result, alternative on-site testing is only recommended before meals or at least two hours after a meal has been consumed. If testing for hypoglycemia, fingertip readings at alternate sites are always recommended.
While pricking your fingertip to test your blood sugar isn't extremely painful, it's not exactly comfortable, either. For those who prefer a less painful method of drawing blood, there are blood sugar meters that use lasers to draw blood instead of a lancet. People may need a prescription to purchase and use a laser blood sugar meter.
Using a device that continuously monitors glucose levels is an even more convenient method of testing blood sugar. Many of these devices can be worn around the wrist; They send small electrical currents that draw glucose through the skin. The method is a relatively painless way to test blood sugar. It also has the benefit of running tests continuously throughout the day. The only drawback is that such tests have not yet been shown to be as accurate as drawing blood from a fingertip.
Another way to continuously test your blood sugar level is to insert a catheter into your skin that draws small amounts of blood over a period of time. The catheter is connected to a meter that can provide continuous readings. This method is useful for those who need to keep a close eye on their blood sugar levels. It's also useful for clinicians who want to see how patients' blood sugar levels fluctuate over time.