Definition of Steel

Steel is normally known as a metal but in reality it is an alloy of a metal (iron) and a metalloid (carbon) that can appear in different proportions but never more than two percent of the total weight of the final product. . Steel, due to its properties, is one of the alignments most used by man in different circumstances, both in construction and in the automotive industry and in many others. At the same time, the materials that compose it are very abundant on the planet, unlike other metals that are much more scarce and difficult to obtain. Therefore, the generation of steel is much more affordable in terms of costs than other metals or alloys.

The history of steel tells us that there are already records of this material from ancient times in various parts of the planet. However, there is no doubt that a phenomenon as unique as the Industrial Revolution contributed greatly to the massive production of steel that was later destined for countless industries and branches of production. With industrial advances, man was finally able to access large quantities of this product in the 19th century thanks to the use of large capacity and large smelting furnaces.

One of the most important and useful properties of steel is that, depending on its proportion of iron and carbon, it can become a flexible material and much easier to work than other metals since it can be molded and shaped. form according to the needs of each case. The melting temperature of steel is around 3000 degrees Celsius and from it different types and shapes of steel can be generated that will serve different uses.


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