Definition of Self-consumption

The concept of self - consumption in our language designates that type of final consumption of both products and services by the producer himself . Thus, for example, the agricultural exploitation carried out by a family group whose mission is to supply precisely the consumption of that family is considered self-consumption.

Basically, then, self-consumption is characterized by the fact that whoever produces uses part or all of the production carried out to satisfy their own needs, this being very typical of those underdeveloped economies.

It may happen that the rest of the production that is not consumed is destined for sale or directly that all the production that is generated is destined exclusively for the consumption of its producers.
It is worth noting that this model can be applied not only to food production, any other type of activity can be plausible to be used, consumed, by the one who generates it and therefore become self-consumption as well.
Thus, in addition to the aforementioned cultivation of food to satisfy personal needs, we will be able to find the individual generation of electrical energy through special solar panels, which are known as photovoltaic . This electricity that can be generated by anyone in your home, placing the aforementioned panels, will be used for the family's own consumption in that home.

Normally these panels can be arranged on the roof of the house or the building in question and are made up of a series of cells capable of generating electricity per se from sunlight that hits them directly.
It is also worth mentioning that this type of electrical self-consumption is extremely friendly to the environment , favoring the care of the planet, basically, because we use green and clean energy such as solar.
Although a few years ago the installation costs of these systems were high, today, they have been equated with the increase in costs proposed by electricity companies, which has become a highly accessible proposal.


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