Definition of Self-concept

The word self-concept implies a certain complexity since it refers to the image that a person has of himself. The explanation given to the word is that self-concept is the concept or idea, an image that one makes about oneself from not only what he sees in the mirror , but also from an endless number of variables that are added to complete that image. Although this may seem simple, a person's self-concept is always the result of a large number of elements such as physical appearance , abilities, history, family context, successes and failures, environmentin which that person was raised, social environment, etc. All people have a self-concept or image of themselves, which can be very high in some of them and very low in others. Of course, this will depend on all those elements mentioned and their unique and peculiar combination.

The self-concept of a person is elaborated on the basis of numerous elements such as those that have already been mentioned. However, it is also important to note that this image may vary and change over the years according to the type of situations that the individual experiences. Thus, a person who could have a high self-esteem and therefore have a high self-concept can suffer a traumatic experience that makes them vulnerable and fragile. This in many cases can lead to a severe identity crisis since it disrupts the way in which the person moved in society, acted and behaved in front of others.

It is also interesting to note that the self-concept that a person generates may not be openly shown to other people. This is so in many cases when the person appears as someone tough, resistant and indifferent when in reality this acts as a screen to cover the insecurities that that individual has. Thus, someone's self-concept may be the cause of a specific attitude that may appear voluntarily or unconsciously.
Finally, the consolidation of a certain type of self-concept is characteristic of each space in which one moves. In this sense, in certain work environments in which there is a lot of competition between peers, people with a high self-concept or image of themselves are sought that allows them to demonstrate confidence and solidity in any type of situation.


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