Definition of Public Administration

The public administration is made up of a set of public institutions and organizations that have the mission of administering and managing the state and some public entities .

Set of state institutions and organizations that administer and manage public entities
These institutions or organizations are run by individuals and have a remarkable staff that facilitates the functioning of the various areas in which it is normally divided.
Nexus between state and citizenship and satisfaction of the demands of the people
As its name anticipates, since it is a public administration, it is responsible for acting as a direct link between citizens and the political power of the day, and of course meeting and satisfying all the demands that citizens may bring together.
Basically, we could say that the public administration is responsible for everything that implies public order.
It should be noted that it is the national executive power that regulates it and there are also some special agencies that are in charge of exercising their control.

Structure and function
Each country has agencies that will make up the basic and fundamental structure of the public administration and that are the ones that will ultimately make it work, however, this macro structuring is normally divided into smaller units, a situation whose mission is to make it more agile and satisfactory its operation and so it is that we can speak of the central state, the provincial or regions and finally the municipalities or city councils.
It is important to mention that the action of the administration at the behest of a democratic system will be limited and subject to the laws in force, this state of affairs has the fundamental objective of preventing and eliminating any type of excess authority on the part of the organisms that make up the national, provincial or local public administration.
Each of these components will have its own human and financial resources that are financed from the collection of taxes on citizenship that makes its contributions on a timely basis, and the annual budgets distributed to each entity.
Although there may be other divisions, normally, the public services of health, security , education , housing, transportation, media, among others , are contained within the public administration , without a doubt all these essential for the growth of a nation .
The benefits of these services are managed by public administrations and must always have as their goal the service of citizens and the search for their well-being.
Citizens have to interact assiduously with the public administration and its agencies: when a medical consultation is made in a public center, when we renew the identity document or another, when we request the payment slip of some tax, among others.
Within the vast universe of public administration we find the employees of the various national ministries and secretaries, the teachers who work in educational institutions that depend on the state, the doctors who perform their role in public hospitals, the police and other security forces. security that make up this area and that by case have precisely the purpose of ensuring the safety of all citizens of the country, the agencies in charge of tax collection and that ultimately are the ones that with this action finance the public administration, among others.
Now, it is important to mention that for the public administration to function efficiently it is essential that the material and human resources are properly distributed, planned and controlled, because otherwise it will fall into a deficient functioning that will certainly complicate the order and neither talk about the nation's finances.
Complaints about the bureaucracy. Solutions
We cannot ignore that in much of the world there is unanimous criticism of bureaucracy and the poor care that surrounds the public administration, due to poor care and lack of resources, to name a few common complaints.
In recent years, states are investing more resources to streamline and improve care in general, it has even been incorporated into technology and many procedures and inquiries can be made via the internet.
This type of administration is opposed to the private administration because the latter is precisely in charge of planning, controlling and directing the activity of a private company and its primary objective is to maximize its economic benefits.


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