Definition of private agency

The concept that concerns us in this review is made up of two terms of extended use. On the one hand, the concept of agency is used in our language to designate that company whose job is the management of third-party affairs or the provision of services; meanwhile, we use the term private or its feminine private to designate everything that corresponds to the family, personal sphere, or failing that, to what is not owned by the state.

Then, a private agency will be that company, a company that develops a commercial activity without the intervention of the state at any level. In other words, in all the work carried out by the current state or government , it does not participate in management, decision-making or in obtaining economic returns, the latter being only for the owners of the private agency.
The private agency can be owned by a single person or there can be several shareholders of the same who are finally distributed the profits obtained.
As we have already pointed out, from the opposite side of this type of agencies, government agencies should be placed, those that are managed and controlled by the state.

It is worth noting that in the capitalist economic system , which is where most of the world lives today, a large part of the economy is managed by private agencies or companies, being the engine of economic activity , and of course, depending on the level: good, bad or regular, of the situation in which they are, will depend on the progress of the nation's economy .
Another issue that we cannot avoid when addressing this issue is that generally private agencies or companies are associated with good economic performance, in contrast to what happens with companies managed by the state, which tend to be in deficit in most cases. or for now it is more frequent that they present economic problems.
One of the reasons for this situation is usually the corruption that prevails in their administration . The officials who administer them use them as personal boxes instead of managing them with the goal of achieving competitive companies.


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