Physical activity is understood to be any activity or exercise that results in the expenditure of energy and that sets in motion a lot of phenomena at the bodily, mental and emotional level in the person who performs it. Physical activity can be carried out in a planned and organized way or spontaneously or involuntarily, although in both cases the results are similar.
Normally, physical activity is a capacity possessed by all living beings that move: animals and humans. However, in the case of people, physical activity can be designed and properly organized in order to obtain specific results, such as losing weight because there is a clear overweight, or with a clear intention to bring health to the body through benefits of the practice are known to bring.
Provides concrete physical and mental benefits
Physical activity in humans has become very popular in recent decades as a direct way to not only physical but also psychological and emotional well-being since it is considered that exercise de-stress, allows to eliminate toxins and awakens chemical components that have to do with personal satisfaction.
This popularity is clearly exposed in the many spaces dedicated to their practice, as in the case of gymnasiums, and also in public places such as squares has imposed physical activity and thus two highly healthy activities are combined: air free and gymnastics .
Physical activity can be exercised or performed in various ways. When it is involuntary or unplanned, physical activity is more of a basic exercise such as walking, doing housework, and many other activities that involve movement of the body. The planned physical activity is also very varied and you can find numerous types of exercises that are designed for different types of audiences, for different needs, and to obtain different types of results.
Physical activity has many benefits as we have already pointed out, such as improving health at the body level (improves circulation, allows to lose fat, activates metabolism , gives strength to the muscles), but also at an emotional and psychological level since It allows the body to de-stress, renew energy and use up all the strength that we have to spare and that sometimes if it does not leave the body correctly it can translate into anxiety symptoms that can greatly affect our quality of life.
Makes us more sociable
Another benefit that we should not ignore is the sociability that physical activity normally brings. In gyms, or in physical activity groups, people meet and interact and this of course opens the possibility of making new friends that are often an engine or impulse to continue doing physical practices because they encourage us and accompany us.
The importance of its completion at an early age
As we can see, the benefits of physical activity are many and we do not find any disadvantages, for example, it is very important that its practice is instilled in children from an early age. At home, parents should encourage them to practice a sport that keeps them away from sedentary activities and bad habits, and of course the school as a socializing and teaching agent par excellence should include physical activity as an outstanding subject and impress it so that the boys enjoy its realization.
Although physical activity is included in basic education as part of the content programs, it is important that it be given a preferential place and that it be a magazine of interesting activities so that all students are enthusiastic about their practice. In addition to exercises, it is suggested to complement the subject with the practice of popular sports such as soccer, volleyball, hockey, rugby, tennis, among others.
Gyms, clubs, and exercise centers are extremely popular today as they often offer a wide variety of activities for associates and clients to find those physical practices that best meet their goals and needs.