Industrial arts are all those activities in which raw materials are transformed into products through a certain technology.
The industrial arts combine traditional elements of manufacturing with the processes of the industry. It can be said that the different disciplines that make it up are a synthesis of art and technology, of crafts and industrial elaboration of an object.
It must be borne in mind that the consideration of art applied to industry obeys the classic division of art itself, since there are the major arts ( architecture , sculpture or painting ) and the minor arts, those that are more useful, as is the case of industrial arts. At present this theoretical distinction has lost its significance and there are no two levels or categories of artistic activity, artisans on the one hand and artists on the other.
There are very diverse areas of industrial arts and below we present some of the most significant.
Wood art
The purpose is to develop small projects in which wood is the fundamental raw material : home furnishings, toys, decorative elements, etc.
Bookbinding work
The book continues to be manufactured in the artisanal industry, with binding being one of the most unique tasks
Ceramic developments
In this sector the professional deals with the manufacture of molds and the preparation of the slip from different materials (for example, using clay, chalk or quartz) and making cold or baked finishes.
Leather art
Leather is a material with great potential and is used for objects related to clothing accessories, horse riding utensils or decorative elements.
Manufacture in textile fibers
Textile fibers can have a mineral , vegetable or animal origin and are applicable to a wide variety of fabrics: cotton, esparto, linen, silk or wool.
Multiple possibilities
The list of concrete applications of the industrial arts could continue (for example, in the world of jewelry, metal or ivory). However, what is fundamental is not the material used but the creative dimension applied to the different raw materials; a process as old as civilization itself and, at the same time, powered by the tools and processes of industry.