The action of endorsing means giving support to a person or a thing. For example, science can support a specific conclusion through experiments and studies . On the other hand, a professional guarantees his professionalism counting on the support provided by a curriculum marked by a remarkable academic training and professional experience .
Endorsing a person implies reaffirming their prestige. From the point of view of knowledge, nowadays, there are people who give more value to an argument when it is supported by objective and scientific data, in this way rigorous information is differentiated from mere subjective opinion.
Reinforce a person's authority
From a professional point of view, an argument can also be endorsed by the authority that pronounces it. For example, a message can have more or less value depending on who is the person who expresses it, therefore, it is the subject who endorses that particular idea. This is the case when a prestigious specialist specializing in a certain sector writes an article in a publication and their opinion provides credibility.
From a vital point of view, the experience of the years also supports the wisdom of the elderly who, thanks to all the experiences that accumulate in their hearts, are a reference of knowledge for so many young people.
From a work and professional point of view
In the professional context, one person endorses another when recommending him to a company. Today, networking is very important to optimize professional opportunities.
Therefore, a contact can endorse another in order to help you. In this case, the knowledge of that person, the positive testimony of someone's professional skills, is also a way of guaranteeing the personal and professional prestige of that worker.
Endorse in Marketing
From a marketing point of view, a customer endorses his positive shopping experience in a given establishment when he shares this shopping experience with other potential customers. This experience provides information to other people, this is precisely the essence of endorsing. Therefore, this action consists of making a fact or a certain experience known to other people based on their own personal testimony.