The word cunning is a term that is used with recurrence when one wants to account for the sagacity, capacity and ability that an individual presents when it comes to understanding or solving a certain situation that in the light of anyone turns out to be quite complex to solve .
Sagacity and ability that a person shows when it comes to solving, understanding something, dismantling a deception or devising a ruse
That is to say, we use this sense of the term whenever we want to indicate that this or that has a remarkable understanding that is able to distinguish without problems even what for the majority is unintelligible or difficult to unravel.
It is important that we point out that cunning is not directly linked to intelligence , intellectual training , or someone's culture, but rather to the ability to act in a specific way in a given situation, that is, to develop, resolve or anticipate a situation. something, questions that of course can never be learned in a faculty but it is life or natural disposition that allow it to be done in reality.
Also, cunning implies the ability that someone has to unravel a deception, to perform it, or to achieve a goal .
Therefore, the term is often widely used to inform about the skills that someone has in any context .
Ability to deceive
But in addition to the aforementioned positive reference that it presents, we also find the other side of the term, since cunning can also imply the sagacity that someone has when it comes to deceiving, as we already mentioned, lying to someone about a certain issue to get an end .
On the other hand, the word cunning is also used to designate a trick or a trick carried out by someone .
By ruse, ruse, it refers to that special action that is carried out with the clear intention of achieving a proposed objective and that normally involves deceiving another person to make a profit.
Generally they are actions that are covered with intelligence in order to effectively achieve their purpose .
Meanwhile, the individual who stands out for his cunning is called astute .
Profile of the crafty
The astute is characterized by planning, anticipating the reactions of his opponents and enemies, anticipating the reactions of others, they come up with tricks to put into practice in order to be used in illicit causes or valuable events.
Meanwhile, the success of the astute is in the fact of planning a coup but in addition to achieving it with the investment of the minimum effort the maximum profits and avoiding any type of negative consequence, or for now reducing an unwanted effect to the minimum.
For example, the astute may outline a plan to get more donations for a foundation, and on the other hand, also a criminal who comes out unscathed from a blow to a bank will be considered as astute.
In other words, and as can be seen from these examples, cunning may be applied in order to fulfill a noble and laudable cause or purpose , or the opposite, be aimed at achieving absolutely reprehensible objectives such as stealing.
We must say that cunning is not only present in human beings, of course it is in them where we most recognize it and observe it because man has rationality, however, there are many animals that have conclusively demonstrated the disposition of cunning when it comes to acting.
Foxes and cats are some examples of these animals that are capable of generating certain tricks to deceive their victims and achieve their objectives of capturing them.