Definition of Asexual

At the instigation of biology , asexual reproduction is called the type of reproduction in which a single organism can give rise to other new organisms .

Reproduction in which a single organism gives rise to a new one and without the intervention of male and female gametes
That is, a single cell is released from the organism in question, or parts of the developed body, and then, by mitotic-type processes, another complete organism genetically equal to the original will be formed.
This type of reproduction is characterized precisely because the presence of a single parent is enough and because there is no participation of the sex cells popularly known as gametes, that is, neither eggs nor sperm participate .
Likewise, plants support asexual reproduction, the most common types being the following: grafts, cuttings, segments, tissue culture, sporulation, and tissues .
Those simplest organisms reproduce through a process called cleavage , characterized by the fact that the stem cell divides into two or more cells, although it is not the only one, we also find other types such as: polyembryony, parthenogenesis, bipartition, sporulation and budding .

It should be noted that around asexual reproduction there are positive issues such as simplicity, immediacy and energy saving that will persist in the absence of actions prior to fertilization, however, there are also some negative ones, among which the impossibility of generate offspring without genetic variability.
Person who expresses their sexual orientation ambiguously and is not attracted to any sex
And on the other hand, the word asexual is used to account for that individual who does not clearly and openly expose his sexual orientation , allowing ambiguity to proliferate instead.
Thus, individuals with this type of manifestation will not be attracted to either men or women .
The most common is that these types of individuals with this orientation do not have a partner or fall in love.
The most widespread and assumed sexual inclinations by people are heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality.
Heterosexuality is the most common and common, and therefore does not generate suspicions, discrimination or questions, and is characterized by the fact that the person is attracted to the opposite sex, that is, the man to the woman and the woman to the man.
Homosexuality implies an inclination or preference for a person of the same sex.
This inclination has been considered for centuries and centuries as a minority, although we must say that in recent years there has been a great shift in favor of acceptance, and today it is common for homosexual couples to marry, adopt, or even have biological children.
The civil law has recognized them all these same rights as heterosexual couples.
Meanwhile, bisexuality implies that a person is equally attracted to people of the same and opposite sex, that is, a man is attracted to women and men at the same time.
And as far as this review is concerned, the asexual individual lacks sexual interest, or is not attracted to any of the aforementioned ways, or is directly assumed to be someone who does not have a specific sexual inclination.
The asexual person does not feel attraction or sexual instinct for men or women and for that matter is that they will not maintain sexual relations with these sexes in any way, except with some exceptions such as the need to want to have children, or for any other motivation but that does not have a sexual origin.
Regarding this topic, it is important that we clarify the difference between sexual identity and sexual orientation.
The first is the perception that a person has about their sex, if they feel male or female.
While orientation is linked to attraction, as we have been talking about, towards certain groups, such as being heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual.


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