The Arnica is one of the most popular natural remedies, is perhaps the most used for its analgesic and anti - inflammatory properties, both in ancient times and in the present .
Arnica montana is a plant that grows wild with the shape of tall stems over half a meter high with elongated leaves and very characteristic beautiful yellow flowers . It is native to the mountainous areas of Europe, however today it is widely spread.
In which cases can Arnica be used?
Arnica is indicated in the case of blunt trauma, that is, blows, especially if tissue injury occurs with blood loss, such as ecchymoses (bruises) or hematomas, which accompany falls, sprains, strains and muscle tears. It is also useful when there is muscle pain after exercise or pain from overtraining .
In all these cases of closed lesions without tearing or breaking the skin, arnica is applied directly to the affected area two or three times a day, for this, cream, gel or essential oil preparations are available . You can also place the flowers and leaves of the macerated plant directly on the affected area.
In those wounds in which there is a break in the skin, it is advisable to use arnica orally, in the form of drops or globules of homeopathy several times a day. This is the preferred route of administration in the case of trauma with internal or deep injuries, and even in the case of surgical and postoperative wounds, where arnica helps to reduce pain and inflammation as well as to reabsorb hematomas and bruises to achieve a faster recovery of the patient.
Arnica, a great ally of homeopathy
The medicine Homeopathic has a lot of remedies that help various combat symptoms, one of the most commonly used is the arnica, although there are many detractors of this treatment system can not be denied that homeopathy well indicated is able to cure a lots of conditions.
Arnica in homeopathy is used to combat the effects of blows, both on a physical level already described and on an emotional level . It is a remedy that helps to treat symptoms that begin after an "emotional blow", such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, infections or any other health disorder that occurs when confronting a hurtful situation.