Definition of Archives (Document Management)

Standardized techniques for managing documents in an organization or entity
The concept of archival or document management is used in our language to refer to the standardized techniques used at the request of the administration of documents that belong to an organization or entity, a company or a library, to cite a few common examples.
An old discipline that evolved fantastically thanks to new technologies
We must indicate that although the techniques and practices that are applied have been varying and evolving as a direct consequence of the advancement of new technologies in almost all areas, and of course archival was not the exception, we must say that archival is an Certainly stale activity that has been deployed by man since time immemorial in the face of the imperative need to document, leave an administrative, legal or commercial mark on everything he does.
To give us an idea of ​​the tremendous evolution that took place in the matter of supports and storage techniques, we only have to say that the most primitive men filed their "documents" on sheets of papyrus or in clay, while those of today do so in the computer or any other electronic device.

The great contribution of computing and the Internet
In this sense, we cannot ignore that computer science and the subsequent development of the Internet have allowed a great advance in document management, making the task much more practical and simple both in terms of saving information and in terms of retrieving stored documents. .
Because of course before, those in charge of this task, archivists, librarians or archivist, among other names that have been attributed to those who carry out this task, had to use and use heavy registration books, files, folders, boxes, shelves, while now just one click is enough to specify the file as well as the recovery of documents or works.
Main tasks that it performs
Basically, the archiving will take care of: generating and establishing a series of norms and practices that allow the identification of the documents that are being archived, the retrieval of information from them, the time that they must remain archived in the case of those that can be eliminated after some time and, on the contrary, must guarantee the conservation forever of those documents that have great value.


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