Definition of Apothegm

An apothegm is a short sentence containing a teaching, usually a moral one . In this sense, apothegms are similar to popular sayings, aphorisms, proverbs, axioms, maxims, or adages.

Its cultural origin and some illustrative examples
These short sentences with moralizing intent arose in classical Greece and continued in Roman civilization . It must be taken into account that philosophy had become the new rational model that replaced the mythical stories of the past and in philosophical texts (especially those related to ethics) it was necessary to resort to a type of simple, direct and clear sentences that brought out a concrete idea. Thus, philosophers like Aristotle or the sophists resort to the apothegm as a simplified formula to express their ideas.
To illustrate the previous reflection, we can mention some apothegms of the classical world:
- It is difficult to know yourself.

- Teach and learn the best.
- Don't believe in everything.
- The wisest thing is time.
- Let us not do what we censor to others.
- Do not make an effort to be beautiful in the face; be rather beautiful in your works.
- Don't hesitate to take care of your parents.
Other types of short sentences
Apothegms usually present a philosophical assessment. With a few short words, a deep knowledge is transmitted that invites reflection. In this sense, each type of short sentence has some unique element .
Thus, the proverb is a popular phrase that aims to provide useful advice for life (if what you are going to say does not improve the silence, do not say it, it is an example of an Arabic proverb). A maxim is advice and a reflection on a matter and is attributed to a real person (fortune helps the bold is a famous maxim of Virgil).
An axiom is a statement that is considered evident and true and is used in the field of mathematics , logic or science (the straight line is the shortest distance between two points is an axiom known to all).
The saying is similar to the proverb and it is an ingenious popular saying that contains some moral (who gets up early, God helps him or great evils, great remedies, two examples among the thousands of the Spanish proverb). The aphorism is similar to the axiom, but while the aphorism is based on real and observable experience , the axiom does not require any kind of empirical verification.


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