It proposes an extreme free market current, completely eliminating the role of the state, handing over the absolute responsibility of management to the private sector in areas as sensitive as health or safety , which to a certain extent happens in countries like the United States, Spain, Mexico, Brazil or Chile, based on the precariousness of the services provided by the government of the day.
The state is the enemy
The supporters of this economic doctrine, also known as libertarian capitalists, share an idea with the classical anarchists: the rejection of any coercive power structure. The aversion to power is reflected in both doctrines in a critique of the state.
From the anarcho-capitalist postulates, the management of public goods by the state is a brake on business creativity . Likewise, they reject any form of statism because public institutions act as a barrier against the freedom of individuals and because the natural tendency of the state generates corruption.
They consider that both the morality of the society and the economic efficiency would be greatly improved if the state ceased to exist.
Beyond liberalism
According to classical liberal doctrine, individual freedom is a moral value that must be preserved above all else and, therefore, governments would have to act in such a way that they do not interfere with the full development of freedom (a government should only act to avoid the harm of some individuals over others). Against socialist doctrines, liberalism advocates individualism and the protection of private property, which is why collectivist proposals or any interventionist strategy by the state are rejected .
Likewise, liberals consider that equality before the law is the tool that guarantees the development of individual interests.
For anarcho-capitalists, liberal principles are valid but at the same time insufficient, since they presuppose a certain state intervention and the existence of a bureaucratic apparatus that inevitably ends up conditioning individual initiative. In short, the supporters of this doctrine are radicalized liberals.
The privatization of public services
In most nations there is a balance between public and private. In this way, the state is in charge of maintaining public services for all citizens and, in parallel, companies provide other services and products in a free market context.
In the anarcho-capitalist model, such a balance would not exist and all public services would be privatized (the courts of law, the army, the police, the road system or the fire department would also be part of the privatizations).
In the capitalist libertarian model there would be no taxes and citizens would have to reach agreements to satisfy their needs. In short, in an anarcho-capitalist society the free market would be the general frame of reference and individuals would organize themselves on the basis of their particular interests in a totally voluntary way.