Definition of Amplifier

In its broadest and most general sense, amplifier means that it amplifies . Then, an amplifier will be any device that, from the use of energy , will magnify the amplitude of a phenomenon .

Although the word is applied mainly to designate electronic amplifiers , there are other alternative types such as: mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic .
The most common use, as we mentioned above, is linked to that device that allows the magnitude of the sound to be expanded . Amplifiers are the equipment that allow electric guitars to emit sound, since they do not have resonance boxes to do that job; the strings vibrate on an electromagnetic capsule and the vibrations will be amplified by the equipment .
Then, the amplifiers of musical instruments act as an interface to give rise to the emission of sounds. In addition, through its manipulation it is possible to add different effects to the sounds , among the most common are distortions .

Also, televisions and radios have amplifiers built into their frames. In this case, the amplifier can be operated by means of knobs or buttons arranged in the external box of the device in question and from there vary the intensity of the sounds according to the needs that are had.
Different types of electronic and physical amplifiers include the following: operational amplifier, differential amplifier, power amplifier, isolation amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, light amplifier, power amplifier, and optical amplifier . Although each one will be in charge of fulfilling a specific function for which it was created, they all respect the same mission: to expand the intensity of the phenomenon in question.


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