Definition of Amoebas

The first beings that inhabited the Earth were tiny single-celled beings. In the animal classification these species are known as protozoa. Within the protozoa there are different subspecies: paramecia, amoebas and vorticellas.

If we focus on amoebas, this microscopic organism lives in water and ponds, usually in warm places. It lacks a cell wall , it has no nervous system and they multiply asexually. As for its nutrition , it feeds on decomposing particles. Only some amoebae become organisms that parasitize the human intestine.
To prevent them from reaching the intestine, it is recommended to chlorinate the water and filter it. Likewise, it is advisable to adopt hygiene measures with raw foods and avoid consuming unpeeled fruits.
Amebiasis is a parasitic disease
When amoebas settle in the intestines, amoebiasis occurs. This circumstance can trigger some pathologies: invasive colitis, dysenteric syndrome or even fulminant colitis (in the latter case, it is a disease that can be fatal). In some exceptional cases, the presence of amoebae in the intestine causes appendicitis or liver problems. Amebiasis can spread to other organs, such as the lung or brain.

This disease occurs normally in tropical countries. It should be borne in mind that natives are already immunized to these parasites, while non-natives have a weaker immune system in relation to the presence of amoebae in the body.
The risk factors associated with amoebiasis are the following: poor food hygiene, unprotected sexual practices and, especially, drinking water contaminated by amoebae.
The most common medical treatment for this type of infection consists of administering luminal amebicides, a drug that helps combat the most common symptoms. As for the diet, it is recommended that during the first days it is soft. As a general criterion, amebiasis heals in approximately three weeks.
Home remedies for amebiasis
Apart from conventional medical treatments, there are other alternatives to eliminate amoebas and parasites. Among the most popular home remedies, we can highlight some: the onion smoothie with honey, the liquefied papaya seeds, the castor oil in a glass of milk, the garlic water or the lemon seeds mixed with water.


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