Precious stones or gems are studied within a discipline , gemology. This, in turn, is part of the so-called geological sciences. The description of amethyst must be understood within the framework of these scientific coordinates.
Etymologically this word comes from the Greek, specifically from the word amethystos, which means "not drunk" or "who fights drunkenness". This curious name is due to the fact that the Greeks believed that this stone served to reduce the effects of alcohol.
It is a variety of quartz that has a characteristic lilac color with different intensity depending on the amount of iron it contains. Likewise, it is very sensitive to the effect of heat, which produces a change in the valence of iron and this causes an alteration of its color. On the Mohs scale, which measures the hardness of minerals, amethyst has a level 7 (talc has a hardness value of 1 and diamond has a value of 10).
It comes from magma, that is, from rocks melted by the effect of heat. This mineral is normally found in seams along with other minerals.
Regarding its location , there are deposits in Australia, Brazil, the United States, Bolivia and Argentina.
A highly valued mineral in jewelry
There is historical evidence of this stone from the most remote times. The ancient Egyptians already used it as an ornamental stone to make jewelry and decorative objects (it is believed that this gem was found in one of Cleopatra's rings).
Today the value of amethyst is directly related to its color and brilliance. The Siberian variant and the "Rose de France" are the most sought after in the world of jewelry.
Symbolic dimension
In the Bible, reference is made to amethyst, as it was one of the stones associated with the twelve tribes of Israel. On the other hand, in some popular legends it is said that the ring that Joseph gave to Mary had an amethyst stone. This circumstance made it considered a symbol of sincerity and humility .
According to Greek mythology, the God Dionysus fell in love with a young girl named Amethystos, who wanted to remain chaste and pure. The goddess Artemis decided to help the young woman and turned her into a white stone in order to keep her away from Dionysus's lust. However, when Dionysus approached the stone and shed purple tears on it, the stone transformed into an amethyst.
In medieval Christian tradition it was used as a symbol of chastity and purity and for this reason bishops and cardinals wore it on their rings.
Those who believe in the healing power of stones argue that it relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances intuition and reduces the effects of insomnia. At the same time, it is considered the gem of spirituality and harmony. It is often used as an element that enhances meditation.