Of Amen is certainly one of the most recognized words in the world whole. Obviously it is closely linked with the Jewish and Christian religions where it is used especially towards the end of a liturgical prayer with the mission of expressing: so be it or so it is , which are its original meanings in the Hebrew language from which it comes.
That is to say, manifesting the word amen behind a prayer or a liturgical request implies a reaffirmation of the faith that is professed and it is also a way of asking with all the force that faith imposes that the thing that is requested is effectively fulfilled.
Also, when all the faithful gathered at Mass manifest it, it is assumed that the group agrees with what is proposed, that it considers it to be true, even ratifies it, and they unite through the amen.
It is worth noting that the originality in terms of use is attributed to Judaism and later both Christianity and Islam incorporated it into their liturgy as one of the words with the greatest spiritual and faith load.
So, in churches during mass, in synagogues during Jewish celebrations, and in the corresponding holy books of both religions such as the Bible , the word amen is frequently used and undoubtedly one of the most expressed.
Although a use is almost always attributed to it towards the end of a request or prayer, its use has also been recorded at the beginning of speeches made by Jesus himself .
In any case, and beyond the above, we must mention that all people beyond the creed who profess know it and have surely even pronounced it at some time, either in a religious context or outside of it. Because precisely the extension of the concept has made it even transcend its own limits of use and it is used in colloquial use when wanting to express that it is satisfied or in accordance with what is being said or done .
Of course, this colloquial usage is linked to the original meaning of the word in the Hebrew language.