Definition of Ambition

In our language we call ambition to that inclination, the irrepressible desire that an individual manifests or experiences to achieve money, power, fame, recognition , among other issues.

Excessive desire for money, success, power, among others
Ambition can be located especially in the achievement of professional or academic goals, that is, to achieve stand out and excel in the profession that is carried out, in the job that one has, or failing that as a student in the career that is is studying.
This situation will of course demand on the part of the individual an absolute dedication towards the proposed objective, that is, everything he does must be oriented to not go unnoticed and even more, to obtain honors for excellent performance.
On the other hand, this desire may be focused on obtaining material wealth and, for example, all efforts are directed in this sense.
When the desire is monetary it can lead to commit crimes and immoralities
Generally, this desire is unstoppable and leads the person who suffers from it to find no other reason for being than to seek and collect wealth, while that almost sick goal can lead them to carry out actions that violate morality , good customs and even with the law .

In the latter case, it can become a severe problem since developing illicit actions can lead the person to their loss of freedom as a result of the justice judging them first and then punishing them for finding them guilty of having developed actions contrary to the law in that relentless pursuit of riches, for example stealing or cheating someone.
On the social level, this trend can also be very counterproductive because a person who does not measure what he does in pursuit of material goods will have no qualms about deceiving friends, acquaintances, relatives, and this of course will generate enmities and social rejection.
Get a better quality of life
Other unavoidable issues around ambition is the absence of conformity and a total distance from mediocrity, that is, they are two concepts that are not compatible with ambition because ambition will always be moving forward to seek a better stage of life something that obviously does not happen to those who are satisfied with what is fair and necessary.
Now, it is important to mention that this concept can have both a negative and positive connotation, which will be determined especially by the methods that the individual uses to satisfy that desire to obtain wealth, goods or recognition.
If the individual in question uses his effort, his desire and his intelligence to make his way, advance, develop and in some way contribute to the common good with his actions, obviously, we will be facing a positive ambition, on the other hand, if the person uses illicit resources and it hurts other peers in that enriching momentum, then we will be faced with a very harmful and negative ambition.
We popularly call the person who has this inclination as ambitious.
A human condition
Ambition per se is not bad at all since it is an inherent condition of the human being, serious will be the case of that individual who does not have ambitions in his life because he will clearly be going through an emotional problem.
Ambition moves, is motivating, instills strength into the person and will inevitably lead to progress in what is proposed; There is no human being who at some point in his life does not aspire for something.
But of course there is always another side of the coin as we mentioned above and then when someone has no limits in terms of their ambitions and is capable of doing anything to get what they want, and when we talk about everything we refer to things that transgress the morality or norms, is when ambition becomes bad, harmful to itself and obviously for those who are affected.
One of the synonyms most used at the behest of this word is that of greed , because it is precisely that greed that is eager to gather wealth and material goods .
It should be noted that greed is considered by the Christian religion as one of the seven deadly sins along with lust, gluttony, laziness, envy, pride and anger.
Meanwhile, the term that directly opposes the one in question is modesty, which indicates that individual who is characterized by his humility , his disinterest towards ostentation and vanity.


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