The term alpha , depending on the context in which it is used, refers to various issues ...
The name in English of the letter alpha (A) corresponding to the Greek alphabet ; alpha is the first letter that appears in the aforementioned alphabet, it derives from the ancient Phoenician letter alp., its graphic symbol being an inverted ox's head. As a consequence of being the first letter in order of appearance, it was normally used to account for the beginning of something, opposite omega , which represented the end.
Although, alpha, is also used in the Greek numbering system, in which it assumes the value of 1; in radioactive processes to refer to the alpha particle ; in software, the alpha version is that version of a program or video game that is still in the development phase but has minimal functionality; and as an adjective to indicate the first or the most significant occurrence of a whole, among others.
On the other hand, Alpha turns out to be the name given to an imaginary planet created by Isaac Asimov , an influential Russian writer and biochemist during the last century.
Meanwhile, in the United States , Alpha is the name given to two localities in the North American territory , on the one hand it is a locality belonging to the state of New Jersey ; According to the latest measurements carried out in 2000, its population was 2,482 inhabitants. And the other town called Alpha is in Washington .
Also, in the mass media we find the presence of the term, since thus is called a channel Greece private cable broadcasting contents and is the third station in rates of audience in the country .