Something is said to be alienating when it causes mental alienation .
Meanwhile, we call alignment to that phenomenon from which someone's personality is suppressed , that is, the individual is deprived of his personality, controlling or canceling his free will, and immediately after making it dependent on what a person dictates. or an organization, responsible for the alienation . Thus, the aligned will remain within himself, without performing any type of action, especially due to the social disorientation that he suffers.
There are two types of alienation: mental alienation, also called mental disturbance, and later social alienation .
Mental alienation usually appears with the following characteristics: cancellation of the individual personality, confusion of reasoning , psychomotor excitement, perplexity, inconsistencies in thinking , hallucinations and in the most extreme of cases of mental alienation: insanity.
More precisely, at the behest of mental alienation, the person is carefully taught, or failing that, she herself teaches her subconscious from a morbid process with the mission of making her believe something or to fix a certain mental association ; Of course, most of the time, all that training will have to do with the fulfillment of a very specific objective.
For example, an individual is isolated from his birth until his youth , training him exclusively and especially to fight a specific individual; to achieve greater effectiveness , their absolutely negative condition will be emphasized, presenting evidence that testifies to it.
Mental alienation will vary in severity depending of course on the case in question, in the most severe cases, such as the one exemplified above, it can be characterized by the complete absence of social relationships , repetitive, harmful and highly aggressive behavior .