The word alfajor is used to designate a kind of sweet snack that is consumed especially in Argentina or other South American countries. Alfajor is a simple and delicious product that can be made in many different ways and flavors, although it is generally found in medium or small sizes. Many pastry houses specialize in the production of alfajores and are known for that, offering varied flavors, textures and specialties.
When it comes to describing them, alfajores are two cookies that are joined by a sweet filling, usually made of dulce de leche, chocolate or fruit (although the flavors can be very varied and diverse depending on each brand). In addition, some of the alfajores can be dipped in chocolate or some other jam to make them even more delicious. Many alfajores can be without any type of cover, among which the cornstarch alfajores are the most typical. These alfajores are made with another type of cookie, fluffier and softer, to later be filled with dulce de leche and joined with coconut.
It is considered that the alfajor may have its roots in Arab traditions in which sweet and rather dry products are typical. Hence, it has passed to Spain and from there, to America , obviously, in more traditional and artisanal ways than those we know today . Today, alfajores are very common and sought after in countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia or others in Latin America .
Alfajores are known as one of the most delicious and interesting sweets since they are more nutritious than any other candy as well as more satisfying than those that are made of pure sugar. They can be obtained in kiosks and in other businesses since they are very accessible in terms of price. At the same time, their shape and size make them very practical to be consumed almost anywhere, on the street or at home.