It is known as affiliation to that procedure through which a person enters a corporation, an institution , a political party , a social work, a union, among others, as an integral part of it , also generating a record of the aforementioned membership .
Procedure by which a person becomes part of an institution or corporation and will enjoy rights as such and will also assume obligations
Meanwhile, the person who joins the corporation is popularly called an affiliate and as such will assume a series of rights and obligations for being part of it.
" Juan processed his union membership after the union prevented his dismissal and that of 30 other colleagues ."
Always, the affiliation will imply a series of reciprocal rights and duties between the affiliate on the one hand and between the institution in question on the other.
Affiliation to unions, political parties, social works
Generally, the concept of affiliation is associated with joining a union, a social work, or a political party, although the process can occur in other areas and institutions, for example academics.
Those individuals who are affiliated to a social work will have the right to the medical attention that it provides, surgical, dental, emergency practices, among others, but as a counterpart they will have to pay a monthly fee, and in some situations they will even have to undergo to various controls that make it possible to determine membership and legitimacy to access the benefits requested.
Affiliation to the social work can be direct, that is, the member decides to join that social work and pays a monthly fee to receive medical attention when necessary, or it can be mandatory due to their employment situation, that is, the work offers this social work and you will not have to pay anything extra for the services they provide.
Likewise, in the case of members with family , wife and children, they can also join and enjoy the benefits.
On the other hand, the members of a union will be benefited with all those achievements that the top leadership achieves before the state: salary increase, reduction of working hours, among others, and in return they will have to pay a small sum to keep the union in operation and also participate in all those calls that the union proposes: mobilizations, strikes, among others.
This type of affiliation cannot be compulsory, that is, workers can choose to join or not, or, failing that, to disaffiliate when they consider it necessary, although we know that in practice this situation is not very common and if it happens, it is certainly conflictive. because in almost all parts of the world trade unions are structured under a strong authority , which tends to propose shock measures, especially when things do not go their way and then they lower a hard line on their members that they must respect. rajatabla.
And that is why we said that it is sometimes difficult and risky to go against that established status quo.
And it is also common for unions in one country to join others at an international level.
Another very common type of affiliation is politics , which of course also presents benefits and duties; in the first case, a member of a political party will have the chance to be a candidate for a position for the party to which he belongs, while his duties include voting in the internal elections of the group; For example, in the face of the imminence of a presidential election, the affiliates will decide in an internal election who they want to be the candidate to represent them. Several alternatives can be presented and the one that receives the most votes, as in any election, will be the one that will represent the party in the general election. .
Meanwhile and as we have already mentioned, the affiliate is that person who associates with others to form a society or a specific organization, political party, social work, union, among others, who precisely require an affiliation to be able to integrate it and be beneficiaries of what she provides.
As soon as the member begins to participate in it, they will have to fulfill a series of duties, in addition to the enjoyment of the rights.
Likewise, you will be required to meet certain requirements, age, a monthly payment to participate in it, among others.