The term adaptation is used to indicate the adaptation process that a person, situation or phenomenon can carry out in the face of the change of certain pre-existing conditions. Adequacy means, in other words, accepting the new conditions and responding positively to them.
It could be said that adaptation is a phenomenon that can occur in different orders of life. This is so because a person can adapt to new situations that have to live with the main objective of not having to suffer as well as trying to enjoy such situations as much as possible. In this sense, examples of adaptation can be the arrival of a new member of the family (which not only requires a physical adaptation of the space but also an emotional and psychological adaptation ), the change of job and the need to adapt to a new routine, to a new place, to a new group of colleagues, to new tasks, etc. Different stages of life such as graduation, entry into adulthood, maturity they can also be moments that require adaptation.
Adequacy, however, is not a process or phenomenon that applies to individuals only, but it can also be applied to different situations. Thus, for example, it is necessary that a service or an advertising message is adapted to the needs of a certain audience in order to capture their attention and obtain new customers. The adaptation of a political system to the needs of the people also has to do with being able to develop a prosperous government that is not marked by crisis or conflict.
In conclusion , we can say that although many times the process of adaptation to a new situation or circumstance can be difficult, it always has to do with the ability to accept change in a positive way and with a view to a better future.