Definition of Adefesio

The word adefesio is used to disqualify someone for their extravagant, unkempt and ridiculous appearance. It is a clearly pejorative term, as it emphasizes the grotesque and bizarre appearance of a person. In this sense, in Spanish we use the phrase "to be made an eyesore" to refer to an individual with a singularly ridiculous appearance and with bad taste in his clothing .

The probable origin of the term is found in the Bible
Most words have a precise origin and it is usually possible to know exactly their etymology. However, some words have a certain mystery regarding their true origin, and this is precisely what happens with the term 'eyesore'.
According to the most widespread version, the origin is found in the Holy Scriptures. In the epistolary account of Saint Paul, on one occasion he addressed the inhabitants of Ephesus and the heading of the letter began with the formula "Ad ephesios", that is, to the Ephesians.

In the content of the letter, Saint Paul commented that it was important that the members of the couple respect each other. Apparently the Ephesians scoffed at this reflection , since they considered that they were good words but that in practice they were not fulfilled. From this mockery of the Ephesians to the letter of Saint Paul derives the meaning of contempt, which ended up becoming synonymous with ridicule.
According to another version, a priest wanted to refer to another letter from Saint Paul, the one addressed to the Corinthians, but it was confused with the letter to the Ephesians. This confusion is precisely the origin of another expression , "talking nonsense", which means creating confusion with words.
According to a third interpretation , the origin of the eyesore must be found in a historical fact: Saint Paul was preaching in Ephesus and during that time his life was in some danger , so it would be deduced that Saint Paul's preaching was useless for the Ephesians. .
Whatever the true origin of the term, it finally acquired a new meaning, that of a person with a grotesque, picturesque and disheveled appearance.

The Bible is an inexhaustible source of expressions
The word adefesio highlights a fact: in the Bible we find the origin of many words and expressions of ordinary language . When someone humble defeats a powerful person we say that David has won Goliath, a Judas is a traitor and if someone cries uncontrollably we say that he cries like a cupcake.

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