Definition of Addition

The word addition is a very present term in our language and that according to the context in which we use it will present different references.

The most popular and extended use that we give to the word is given at the behest of mathematics , in which it refers to one of the arithmetic operations, that of addition and is symbolized from the symbol +. The aforementioned sign is used to indicate the quantities that must be added in order to obtain the value of the operation or the final result of the operation, for example: (1 + 1 = 2).
It should be noted that the sum is plausible to be carried out on sets of numbers, whether they are of different types such as: natural, integers, rational, complex and real and also on structures linked to these, such as vector spaces whose members are precisely these indicated numbers.
The standard procedure to be carried out to carry out an addition is as follows: the addends, as the numbers to be added are called, will be placed in successive rows and the figures will be arranged in columns, starting from the right with the corresponding figure the unid ades , on the left are the dozens , continue by hundreds and finally arranged thousands . First the figures corresponding to the units column are added and the ones just mentioned are followed in order; if the result exceeds 10 units, one more addend will be added to the next column.

Meanwhile, the sum has various properties that distinguish it such as: commutative (the result will be the same even if the order of the addends is altered), associative (in the case of adding three or more numbers, the result will be the same regardless clustering is done with them), distributive (the sum of two numbers, then multiplied by a third number, be equal to the sum of the product of each of the numbers being added by the ntercer number to multiply) and of lock (this property holds that if natural numbers are added the result will always be within the natural category ).
On the other hand, in colloquial language the word addition is used to designate the addition that is made from one thing to another . We have made the addition of new products to our stock .
And in the field of chemistry we also find a reference for the word that indicates the reaction in which two or more molecules combine to form a single one .


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