The term acute is generally used in various contexts, medical, grammar and audio for example and with different purposes, for which it has a wide range of uses, while among the most frequent we can cite those that refer to something pointed, sharp and sharp, insightful, subtle, funny, short and timely, among others.
This broadly speaking , but now yes and as a well-known ripper said, let's go by parts ... when we talked about the contexts in which the word is applied we mentioned several, among them the doctor, in which the word is almost always used in association with any condition or disease , especially to describe those that have a beginning and an end defined and are of short duration , because although many sometimes confused acute with gravity, has little to do with it but with the time evolution of the same , that is to say, there are acute illnesses of very little importance such as headache or flu.
On the other hand, when the context in which the word acute is used is related and has to do with audio or the sense of hearing, referring exactly to acute sounds, it is talking about those sounds that are above 5 kHz and that make up the high frequency range of the audible spectrum .
And finally, the other area in which the term has a special and usual use is in grammar , since according to the position of the accent in a word, four different types of stress will be distinguished , which will give rise to four different groups of words, between they are the acute words that are those in which the accent will fall on the last syllable of the same, while, for their easy detection, they are those that always end in n, so vowel . In the Spanish language, according to timely measurements, acute words occupy the second place in quantity, with serious ones being the ones that show a greater proliferation in the language.