The word accumulation allows expressing the disposition , in large quantities, of something . That accumulation that one has of something normally results from its meeting, collection or grouping sustained over time and that precisely makes it possible to gather in an important flow.
People have a tendency to accumulate things, some precious for the affective value they present and many others for the simple fact of not letting go thinking that we may probably need them at another time. And so it is possible that with running of the years we are able to accumulate and accumulate many possessions, objects, elements, among others, and we do it for different purposes.
When accumulation is excessive and is oriented exclusively to the desire to accumulate material wealth to keep it and not get rid of it, the Christian religion considers it a capital sin, while that disposition is popularly known as greed .
It should be noted that in the most extreme cases of this desire to accumulate and accumulate goods, it is possible to transgress the limits of the law , for example, stealing, swindling, and even bribing to access more material goods.
People who act with this profile are called misers and it is usual that they do not find any other happiness or pleasure in their lives that is not to achieve the reunion of more and more wealth.
On the other hand, and already running from this negative and sick action that we approach with greed, we can also find individuals who hoard, accumulate objects, items, as hobbies and who end up becoming collectors.
The fan of antiques will spend his time collecting all kinds of antique items for pleasure and will be in charge of gathering all those objects, furniture, in a special physical place and destined for that purpose, or in his home.
Also as with other terms, accumulation, receives a symbolic reference and that we use when we want to indicate that someone or we ourselves group or collect problems, to name one of the most common situations that are used on a symbolic level .
And in geology, the word has a specific use, to indicate the result of the union of sedimented materials, by some climatic phenomenon .