The term Abdominals corresponds to the plural of the word Abdominal, while by abdominal refers to everything that is proper or related to the abdomen or belly, that cavity of the human body that is located between the thorax and the pelvis and that is very relevant in the organic plane since it houses important organs of our body, such is the case of the liver, pancreas, spleen, among others. In humans, the term abdomen also allows to refer to the adiposity, fat or prominent belly that someone has .
Common abdominal problems
A condition typical of this type of cavity is abdominal typhus , also known as typhoid fever, which is the intestinal infection caused by a microbe that will cause severe lesions in the lymphatic plates of the small intestine.
Also important in this area is the abdominal aorta, which is the part of the aorta artery that is located in the region of the abdomen. The main and serious condition that the abdominal aorta can suffer is its dilation, widening, producing an aortic aneurysm. This condition is extremely serious since if it is not detected in time it can cause a sudden hemorrhage and the death of the patient. It should be noted that if it is detected, through surgery, the problem can be solved.
Abdominal ultrasound, the best diagnostic technique in the region
The best tool available to specialist doctors to determine conditions in this region of the body is abdominal ultrasound, which consists of a diagnostic imaging procedure through which the internal organs of the abdomen such as liver, spleen can be examined. , pancreas, gallbladder and kidneys.
The diagnostic test is performed in an office equipped with an ultrasound machine. The patient will be instructed to lie on a table and remove the clothing that covers the abdomen. The sonographer will place a gel on the area to be able to slide the device that will reflect the interior of the cavity on the screen.
Exercises that are practiced to strengthen and tighten the abdomen area
But there is also another very widespread use of the concept that is given at the behest of sport and that refers to those exercises that are practiced to strengthen and harden the abdomen area precisely. For example, they are popularly called abdominals. They consist of routines of physical activities that almost all gymnastics currents and schools include as a fundamental part of their programs. A question related to this exercise suggests that before toning the abdomen through the aforementioned exercises, it will be convenient to eliminate the fat that is housed in that sector of the body through aerobic exercise and a healthy and healthy diet .
Once the fat reduction has been effectively carried out, the area can be hardened, which normally remains loose after the sudden removal of fat.
According to the muscles that you want to tone in this area, there are different types of specific exercises for each of them, for example, for the lower abdominals, for the oblique abdominals and for the upper abdominals .
How to do the exercises?
Most of these are usually done lying on the floor or, failing that, on a mat to be more comfortable and require the elevation of the trunk, with or without support, while the arms are placed under the neck as if hugging it. In the case of oblique abdominals, the elbow of one of the arms should touch the knees that are kept together, it is obviously recommended to intersperse with each side. For the upper abs, what will be required is the elevation of the legs together bent at the knees.
Have the proper professional follow-up to avoid pain
Now, we must also say that it is very important that the person who begins to do these exercises has the proper monitoring of a physical education teacher , who guides him and teaches him how movement should be . The warning is related to the fact that many people go off to perform these exercises without too much information and without proper supervision and then it is normal that other parts of the body such as the back and neck also strain, and by not performing the movements as appropriate, severe pain and conditions can be triggered in these areas.
Because a common mistake that beginners make is to unload all the effort on the nape of the neck, later generating severe neck pain and contractures.