Definition of Abnormal

The term abnormal has traditionally been used and is used as a characteristic, to speak or account for those people who have dysfunctional or rare conditions, that is, they do not fit with the common stereotype of those who are considered as common and ordinary types .

Of course, foiling someone that he is abnormal or that his personality and way of acting is consistent with what has traditionally been designated as abnormal, of course, which is an absolutely subjective matter, because except for very extreme cases in which in no way follows a behavior understood as normal and there we could be almost sure of not making a mistake when calling or qualifying someone as abnormal, in reality, the abnormality or normality of someone will sometimes also be determined by other factors such as the uses and customs of a society determined, previous experience , education , among others.
Because, for example, what for some western peoples may be a rarity, such as practicing a ritual with animals, in eastern cultures may turn out to be something super common and ordinary and seen every day.

In addition, and following a bit the path of what we said, on many occasions and of course, wrongly, people are usually discriminated against or separated from those people just because they dress or have strange hair, escaping the universally accepted canons and stipulated by the industry of the fashion for example to find a culprit, then, just because of this situation they are classified and labeled as rare.
Meanwhile, this type of procedure can become something truly dangerous because by being prevented from integrating even with their rare new hairstyles, they may be creating a deep problem of future integration in society and simply because they are rare for fashion that he prevails and not because of some dysfunctional trait of his personality.
So it is because of this subjectivity that we were talking about that the criterion of low statistical occurrence is conventionally used to qualify something or someone as abnormal.


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